Mikroneulaus ja PRP-hoito

Cosmetic surgery nurse

Microneedling/PDT consultation 0€

Microneedling and PRP treatment are carried out by our nurses specialising in skin treatment. Before treatment, you must book a free consultation to check the skin’s conditions and the area of skin to be treated. Microneedling is suitable for acne and other scars, treating lines and for a general improvement of the skin’s condition. Ask also about photodynamic therapy (PDT), carried out with the assistance of daylight, which is an effective way to treat skin alterations. 

Our nurses specialising in microneedling will talk patients through any procedures, and also give instructions and book a time for the actual procedure. If your skin is completely healthy or you have had treatment previously, preconsultations and bookings can also be made by phone on +358 10 419 2000. 

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Special expertise

  • Microneedling and PRP treatment
  • Photodynamic therapy (PDT)




  • Microneedling consultation 0€


  • Nurse specializing in microneedling and PRP treatments

In Media

