Ihotautilääkärin etävastaanotto

Video consultation

Video consultation

Dermatologist’s video consultation 

You can also have a remote consultation with a dermatologist. When you have a video consultation with a dermatologist, you book the appointment and then upload photos of your condition, which the doctor will view along with your preliminary information. At the agreed time, you join the video call with your smartphone, tablet or computer equipped with an internet connection, camera and microphone and headset/speaker.

Book a time for a video consultation > 

Remote consultation Price Includes Kela reimbursement and outpatient clinic fee
Video consultation up to 20 min 128.40 € 142.40 €
Phone consultation up to 20 min 128.40 € 142.40 €

What can be treated remotely? 

Many typical skin conditions can be addressed remotely, when images and a discussion are enough to make a diagnosis. These include many rashes, rosacea, acne, allergies and many common skin conditions. Sexually transmitted diseases can be treated, but laboratory tests are typically required to confirm the diagnosis. As to skin alterations, you can only be recommended to book a face-to-face consultation or a time for a procedure. Exact diagnoses cannot be made based on pictures. 

What cannot be treated? 

Moles and skin alterations cannot be examined remotely, because a dermatoscope is required for diagnosis, and a photo taken at home is not of high enough quality to make a diagnosis. In certain cases, the recommendation may be that you should show the alteration at the Ihosairaala or to book a time for mole removal. Suspected cases of scabies cannot be diagnosed remotely either. 

High-quality image supports diagnosis 

As you book an appointment, you have to pay for it, after which you will be directed after identification to the Ihosairaala’s portal to upload the images and preliminary information to the doctor. You need bank identifiers for identification. You can upload one to three photos in the service, preferably one close-up and one further away to give the general picture. 

You can take the photos with your phone camera. Please ensure that you focus on the affected area and that the image is as sharp as possible. Although the video consultation includes live image, the image quality is rarely as good as a good photograph, which is why you should upload photos in advance. 

Once you have uploaded the photos, they will be transferred safely for the doctor to look at. You are also requested to provide preliminary information about your symptoms and any earlier skin conditions. If you are a new customer, you will also have to fill in a form containing your basic details. 

After you have answered the questions, you will receive a link to a virtual consultation room that you can access at the appointed time. The video connection can be established through the browser, using a smartphone, tablet or computer, and you do not have to install anything on your device. You can check the technical requirements here. 

Book a time for a video consultation >

Remote consultation also by phone 

If you do not have the necessary device or connection for a video consultation, you can book a phone consultation, and our doctor will call you. Photos and the preliminary information will be uploaded the same way as before a video consultation. 

Read more  and book a phone consultation here >

At your service

Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Docent, Medical Doctor, specialist in skin and sexually transmitted diseases
Docent, Medical Doctor, specialist in skin and sexually transmitted diseases
Medical Doctor, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Docent, Medical Doctor, specialist in skin and sexually transmitted diseases
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Docent, Medical Doctor, skin disease and allergology specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease and pathology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease and allergology specialist
Docent, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, Skin disease specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Docent, Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Doctor of Medical Science, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease and allergology specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Docent, Medical Doctor skin disease specialist
Docent, Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease specialist

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