Moles and skin blemishes

Mole inspections and skin cancers are our core area of expertise, and we have several skin alteration experts at the Skin Hospital, who can answer any questions you may have. We also have specialists in demanding skin cancer operations, who are available without lengthy queueing.


Our experienced specialists in moles and skin blemishes will answer any questions or doubts you may have concerning your skin.
An experienced dermatologist specialising in procedures will assess the most suitable method and perform any mole removals required.
Carbon dioxide laser is an efficient and fast method of removing a range of skin alterations, such as raised moles and brown warts.
After your procedure you can book an appointment for stitch removal as instructed by our nurses.

At your service

Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, plastic surgery specialist
Licentiate in Medicine specialising in dermatology and allergology
Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Docent, Medical Doctor, specialist in skin and sexually transmitted diseases
Skin disease and allergology specialist
Docent, Medical Doctor, specialist in skin and sexually transmitted diseases
Medical Doctor, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, Doctor specialising in skin diseases
Medical Doctor, plastic surgery specialist
Docent, Medical Doctor, specialist in skin and sexually transmitted diseases
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Docent, Medical Doctor, skin disease and allergology specialist
Medical doctor, adjunct professor, plastic surgery specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease and pathology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease and allergology specialist
Docent, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, Skin disease specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Docent, Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Doctor of Medical Science, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease and allergology specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Doctor of Medicine, skin disease specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Docent, Medical Doctor skin disease specialist
Docent, Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease and allergology specialist

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