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See a dermatologist

See a dermatologist

The Ihosairaala’s core services consist of the treatment of skin conditions, allergies and sexually transmitted diseases. Skin conditions have thousands of possible diagnoses, so if you are concerned about your skin in any way, make an appointment with one of our experienced dermatologists specialising in allergies and sexually transmitted diseases.

Make an appointment with a dermatologist >

The commonest skin conditions include acne, moles and skin blemishes, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, hives (urticaria), various rashes, allergies, rosacea, itches, hair and nail problems, sexually transmitted diseases and mucous membrane conditions.

The dermatologist will interview the patient about any background factors that may contribute to the condition, and examine the symptoms. A diagnosis can often be made simply by interviewing the patient and examining the symptoms. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe laboratory tests or take samples to confirm the diagnosis. The doctor will also explain the treatment process, give instructions on home treatment, and agree on any further treatment.

The best experts in the field at your service

The Ihosairaala has around 30 skin, allergy and STD specialist, some of whom make national treatment recommendations, carry out research on new treatments or work as chief medical officers in hospitals. You can make an appointment with them regarding any skin health issues.

Read more about our doctors and their areas of expertise on the Experts page You can also call us on +358 10 419 2000 and our nurses will help you find the right experts and make an appointment.

Make an appointment with a dermatologist >

At your service

Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease specialist
Licentiate in Medicine specialising in dermatology and allergology
Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Docent, Medical Doctor, specialist in skin and sexually transmitted diseases
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Docent, Medical Doctor, specialist in skin and sexually transmitted diseases
Skin disease and allergology specialist
Docent, Medical Doctor, specialist in skin and sexually transmitted diseases
Medical Doctor, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, Doctor specialising in skin diseases
Docent, Medical Doctor, specialist in skin and sexually transmitted diseases
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Docent, Medical Doctor, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease and pathology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease and allergology specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Docent, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, Skin disease specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Docent, Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Doctor of Medical Science, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease and allergology specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Doctor of Medicine, skin disease specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Docent, Medical Doctor skin disease specialist
Docent, Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease and allergology specialist
Licentiate of Medicine, skin disease specialist
Medical Doctor, skin disease and allergology specialist

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