
Johanna Förster

ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
"A doctor must understand the person as well as the disease"

Johanna Förster is a skin disease and allergology specialist who treats general skin diseases in patients of all ages.  Patient work and working with people is what made her become a doctor, and is still what she regards as the most rewarding aspect of her work.

“I like treating skin diseases because they are so varied. It’s great to be able to treat patients of all ages, carry out procedures, get to the bottom of various skin symptoms and plan the long-term treatment of chronic skin diseases. As my clinical experience and professional expertise have increased over the years, listening and trying to understand patients, their various life situations, hopes and resources in terms of planning their treatment have become more and more important in my work.”

In addition to diagnostic sleuthing, Johanna is interested in the effect of skin diseases on people’s moods and psyche. Certain diseases are easily treated, but when it comes to chronic diseases, we seek ways of controlling them and learning to minimise the restrictions they impose on people’s lives. A long-term patient-doctor relationship can be an important supportive factor. Johanna has also obtained further qualifications in skin diseases by specialising in youth medicine with a focus on taking account of younger patients’ life situations and the adjustments necessary to their treatment.


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Special expertise

  • common skin diseases
  • children's and young people's skin diseases
  • atopic eczema
  • acne
  • rosacea
  • psoriasis




  • 30 min 175 €*

The doctor’s appointment fee also includes all the textual documentation in the patient record system, as well as the time it takes to study possible pre-information. On top of the specialist appointment fee we charge an out patient fee of 34,00 €, that covers the cost for e-prescriptions. We also charge a Kanta fee of 3,50 €. Possible examinations and proceedings during the appointment are charged separately. The Kela-compensation is not observed in the list prices. You can study and compare various cost estimates on our price list.


  • Licentiate of Medicine
  • Specialist in dermatology and allergology
  • Specialisation in youth medicine