
Kristiina Hintsanen

ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
"Each skin contact is unique and requires our full attention"

Kristiina Hintsanen is a specialist in skin diseases and allergology, treating a variety of skin conditions. Kristiina, who considers herself a general dermatologist, became a doctor because the field enabled working with and helping people.

“I like to work with people and enjoy the interaction that comes with helping patients. The best thing about skin diseases is that the condition is usually clearly visible and you can start solving the patient’s problem right away. On the other hand, skin conditions may be related to other diseases, which could require more background work. But the best thing is when I can help patients and make them feel better.”

In Kristiina’s opinion, the most important part of a doctor’s job is to genuinely be there for the patients. She also thinks that doctors must keep up with the latest developments in their field: a doctor can never know too much. Kristiina is a well-liked and efficient doctor whose patients go home feeling better and with clear instructions on what to do next.

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Special expertise

  • common skin diseases
  • acne
  • rashes
  • psoriasis
  • rosacea
  • mole examinations and skin cancers
  • cryotherapy




  • 20 min 144 €*

The doctor’s appointment fee also includes all the textual documentation in the patient record system, as well as the time it takes to study possible pre-information. On top of the specialist appointment fee we charge an out patient fee of 34,00 €, that covers the cost for e-prescriptions. We also charge a Kanta fee of 3,50 €. Possible examinations and proceedings during the appointment are charged separately. The Kela-compensation is not observed in the list prices. You can study and compare various cost estimates on our price list.


  • Licentiate of Medicine
  • Specialist in dermatology and allergology
  • No laser procedures
  • No removal of moles from facial area
  • Mole removal:
    • 1 mole, 20 min appointment (40 min if first visit)
    • 2 moles or more, 40 min appointment
    • 2 small skin alteration removals, such as skin tags or brown wart scraping, 20 min appointment
  • For additional information about other procedures, please call 010 419 2000