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Vascular surgeon’s reception

Vascular surgeon’s reception

You can book an appointment with a vascular surgeon if you suspect or experience vascular issues in your legs.

If varicose veins or other vein problems are bothering you, affecting your quality of life, causing you pain or worrying you in any way, a vascular surgeon’s consultation is a good idea.

In addition to venous and varicose vein diagnostics, the arterial circulation can be examined, for example to rule out intermittent claudication and aneurysms.

The surgeon also practically always performs an ultrasound scan that shows the blood flows in the veins, confirms the diagnosis and helps to choose the most appropriate varicose veins treatment method for each patient.

Book an appointment with a vascular surgeon >


Varicose veins treatment – price list

Varicose veins treatment Price
Consultation up to 30 min + ultrasound scan 388,80 €
Foam sclerotherapy for varicose veins, small-scale 938,80 €
Foam sclerotherapy for varicose veins, extensive 1 858,80 €
Laser treatment for varicose veins, first leg (incl. foam sclerotherapy + mechanical removal if necessary) 2 458,80 €
Laser treatment for varicose veins, second leg (incl. foam sclerotherapy + mechanical removal if necessary) 1 248,80 €

At your service

PhD, vascular surgery specialist

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