Liisa Harjama is a dermatologist, specialising in paediatric dermatology as well as rare and hereditary skin disorders. She completed her doctorate in medicine on hereditary skin diseases, focusing on palmoplantar keratoderma, or the thickening of the skin on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.
Liisa also diagnoses and treats all common skin diseases, including conditions such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, acne and pruritus, i.e. itchy skin. If necessary, she takes biopsies of suspicious rashes and can treat skin lesions with cryotherapy in her practice.
Additionally, Liisa has extensive experience in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and rashes in the genital area. Initiating PrEP treatment and follow-up appointments for PrEP medication are also possible at her practice.
Dermatology has always interested Liisa, in part because many ailments can often be diagnosed and treated based solely on appearance. Liisa describes herself as a visual learner, and as a dermatologist, she is able to put this skill to good use in her work every day.
With a cheerful and friendly nature, Liisa always does her best for the wellbeing of her patients. Genuine interactions and active listening to patients are essential elements of her practice. “The best part of my work is meeting patients and the satisfaction of really seeing that I can use my expertise to help people with their skin problems.”