Basic examinations by a lung doctor include spirometry and PEF testing. Spirometry tests are conducted by an experienced nurse who specialises in lung tests and the related instruction. Make a booking for a spirometry test and PEF instruction by calling us on +358 (0)10 419 2000.
Spirometry measures the functioning of the lungs
Spirometry measures the functioning of the lungs. It is often prescribed by a lung doctor as part of allergy and asthma diagnosis.
In the test, the patient blows as hard as they can into the spirometer, which measures issues such as forced expiratory volume (the amount of air exhaled), various air-flow speeds, and the duration of the exhalation.
The patient can also be given a post bronchodilator test, in which medication to open the air passages is given after the first blow into a spirometer. After 10 minutes, spirometry is repeated to evaluate the medicine’s effectiveness.
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PEF instruction
The abbreviation, PEF, is derived from Peak Expiratory Flow. As the name suggests, PEF is used to measure the peak flow of air when the patient blows into the device. PEF tests are used in the treatment and monitoring of asthma.
Measurement is performed using a special PEF device. Maximal blows are performed into the device and the readings are recorded on a monitoring form. Before you perform monitoring measurements at home, a nurse will advise and instruct you on the correct way to blow into the device and record the results.
In general, PEF measurements are followed at home for two weeks, after which the results are analysed at the lung doctor’s clinic.