Mole removal


Mole removal

Moles come in many shapes, colours and textures, and may go largely ignored by an ordinary person. On the other hand, a brown spot that looks like a normal mole may indicate another kind of skin alteration.

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In general, moles are removed for two reasons:

  1. The mole shows sign of being malignant and skin cancer, or the pre-cancer stage, is suspected
  2. The patient regards the mole as a cosmetic or practical problem (e.g. it catches on their clothes)

When booking an appointment for a mole removal, you should take account of the number and location of the moles. The mole removal method will be jointly agreed in the doctor’s surgery. In most cases, a removed mole is sent for a pathological examination, to determine whether it is malignant and whether further treatment is necessary. The total price for mole removal generally varies between EUR 250–400, depending on the situation, removal method and possible pathological examinations. 
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In many cases, two or three moles can be removed in a short, 20-minute session, but a longer time should be booked for a higher number of moles. In practice, there are also differences between doctors, so please ensure that you have booked sufficient time by checking your own doctor’s details on our Experts page. Call our customer service on +358 (0)10 419 2000 if you have any questions. Please contact us if you cannot find a suitable time. 

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Further details on moles and mole examinations are available from our Services page and Skin information blog.
