Aknearpia hoidetaan tehokkaasti laserilla

Acne scar treatment

Acne scar treatment

A large percentage of people suffer from acne at some point in their life. Acne not only affects self-esteem and quality of life, but as many as 55% of acne patients are haunted by visible scars which disrupt their lives after the active phase.

There are effective methods for treating acne scars, such as a fraxel laser, TCA exfoliation, microneedling or combinations of these. The idea behind all of them is to smooth acne scars to make them less visible.

A fraxel laser smooths and evens out acne scars

Most acne scars are concave atrophic scars. Laser treatment lowers their edges, levelling the skin and making the scars less visible. The beam of a fraxel laser disperses into small dots, so that around 20% of the area in question is affected during a single session. This makes recovery faster than with traditional laser treatments. Around 3–5 treatments are usually needed to achieve an optimal outcome.

Laser treatment should be performed when the days are short, because sunlight increases the risk of pigment damage after the procedure. Indeed, careful protection against sunlight is important after treatment, regardless of the time of year.

If you want laser treatment of any type, you should contact the Ihosairaala’s staff on +358 10 419 2000, because all laser treatment must be assessed in advance to ensure that it is necessary and to determine what results can be achieved.

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Treatment by doctor Treatment of illness (VAT 0%) As aesthetic treatment (VAT 25.5%)
Face 1 231,39 € 1 535,94 €
Around the mouth or eyes 851,13 € 1 058,72 €
Around the mouth, and on the chin - 1 221,54 €
Cheeks 957.70 € 1 221,54 €
Cheeks and temples 1 090.65 € 1 391,72 €
Cheeks, temples and jaw 1 122.83 € 1 432,93 €
Cheeks, temples and forehead 1 185.05 € 1 512,56 €
Lower eyelids 728,57 € 904,89 €
Upper eyelid xhanthelasmas 786,61 € -
Upper- and lower eyelid small xhanthelasmas 914,30 € -
Upper- and lower eyelid larger xhanthelasmas 1 000,13 € -
Treatment by nurse Treatment of illness (VAT 0%) As aesthetic treatment (VAT 25.5%)
Face - 1 015,93 €
Around the mouth or eyes - 641,46  €
Around the mouth, and on the chin  - 742,55 €
Cheeks - 862,65 €
Cheeks and temples - 982,75 €
Lower eyelids - 313,60 €
Serial treatment Treatment of illness (VAT 0%) As aesthetic treatment (VAT 25.5%)
Face x3 - 2 649,85€
Around the mouth or eyes x3 - 1 658,62 €
Around the mouth and on the chin x3  - 1 926,23 €
Cheeks x3 - 2 244,12 €
Cheeks and temples x3 - 2 562,05 €
Lower eyelids x3 - 790,77 €
Face x5 - 4 157,35 €
Around the mouth or eyes x5 - 2 597,07 €
Around the mouth, and on the chin x5  - 3 018,30 €
Cheeks x5 - 3 518,69 €
Cheeks and temples x5 - 4 019,14 €
Lower eyelids x5 - 1 231,01 €




TCA exfoliation is an effective chemical exfoliation for acne scars

TCA exfoliation is an effective and safe treatment that rejuvenates and smooths the skin’s surface layer. It is based on an acidic effect that reduces acne scarring.

Treatment begins with cleaning the skin, followed by application of the trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and its subsequent neutralisation once the desired effect has been achieved. The results of exfoliation performed by a dermatologist are visible about a week after the treatment, once the skin has peeled off and the reddening fades.

A single treatment will visibly improve the skin, but in the case of acne scars, the treatment can be repeated several times to achieve the best results. It also works well in combination with a fraxel laser. Read more about TCA exfoliation >

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Microneedling activates the skin’s collagen production

Acne scars are typically concave atrophic scars created by lack of collagen. Microneedling is an effective way of improving the skin’s condition, because it activates the skin’s own collagen production.  For that reason, microneedling is suitable not only for acne scars, but also for skin toning and the softening of other scars.

The treatment involves making microscopic holes in the skin: these microtraumas stimulate the skin’s own repair mechanism. In a sense, the skin overcorrects the microscopic holes, improving the condition of the skin.

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At your service

PhD, specialist in dermatology
ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
Docent, PhD, specialist in dermatology and allergology
Licentiate of Medicine, plastic surgery specialist
PhD, specialist in dermatology
Docent, PhD, specialist in dermatology

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