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Breast feminisation through fat grafting

Breast feminisation through fat grafting

Breast feminisation is an aesthetic procedure that permanently remoulds the breasts into a more feminine shape. At the Skin Hospital, feminisation is only carried out through fat grafting.

Breast feminisation is intended for people undergoing gender-affirming surgical treatment, and is used to permanently reshape the breasts into a more feminine shape. In the gender-affirming surgical treatment process, feminising hormones are used to trigger breast growth. Breast development continues for several years. Sometimes, however, the patient does not feel that the resulting breasts are sufficiently feminine or large enough. In such cases, they can be shaped and enlarged by fat grafting.

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Fat grafting uses the body’s own fat

Fat grafting uses the patient’s own fatty tissue, which is transferred to the breast area. Typically, the fat is taken from the abdomen, thighs or the back and side region around the waist. The aim is for the transferred fat to adhere to the new area, forming blood circulation and acting naturally as part of the body. In general, about 50 to 80 per cent of the transplanted fat tissue successfully adheres in place. In some cases, a single fat graft is not enough to achieve the desired result. If so, the procedure can be repeated after a few months.

Fat grafting gives natural and permanent results

The advantage of fat grafting is that it consists of the patient’s own tissue, which naturally functions as part of the body in the breast area. The breasts grow as the person gains weight and shrink as they lose weight, just like the rest of the body. The result of fat grafting is natural, and does not require any further corrective measures. By comparison, implants have a lifespan of between 10 and 20 years, after which they need to be replaced in a repeat operation. Fat grafting, in contrast, is permanent and does not require repeated surgery.

Recovery from fat grafting is quick, with good aesthetic results

The recovery time after fat grafting is only one to two weeks, and in most cases the person is able to return to work after a week. The procedure itself takes two to three hours and leaves small puncture marks of a few millimetres in size in both the fat extraction and the fat grafting areas. The locations of the scars are planned in advance so as to be as inconspicuous as possible. In addition, aftercare of the scars ensures optimal healing. Personalised instructions are always given for the treatment of the surgical scars.

Usually there will be pain for a few days in the area where the fat was taken, and bruising may occur. To ensure that the transplanted tissue adheres as well as possible, it is important to keep the breast area warm for at least two weeks. The area from which the fat is taken is covered with a supportive textile for about two weeks after the procedure to allow the area to recover and avoid fluid retention or unevenness.

The aesthetic results of fat grafting will become evident two to three months after the procedure, when it can be seen how much of the grafted fat has adhered to the new area. The aim is always a natural result and a more feminine breast shape.

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