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Liposuction and tuck

Liposuction and tuck

Liposuction is the reshaping of part of the body by removing subcutaneous fat tissue. If there is plenty of fat to remove, loose skin also can be tucked in.

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Liposuction removes subcutaneous fat

Liposuction is the process of removing fat under the skin locally and reshaping part of the body. This is not a method of losing weight, rather a way of reducing individual accumulation of fat that is otherwise difficult to get rid of.

The most common areas for liposuction are:

  • stomach and waist area
  • double chin
  • upper limb, such as the upper arms
  • lower limb area
  • excess fat around the lower back and sides

We aim for a natural outcome in all cases, with the treated area being restored to a more youthful form. The best results are achievable in areas where the skin has not lost its elasticity, and so recovers well. It is important to note that liposuction is not the best solution for removing cellulite.

Planning of a liposuction procedure begins with an individual consultation

People generally want liposuction because they have some part of their body they are not happy with. During the consultation, the patient’s wishes are discussed, including what can be realistically expected, what the treatment options are and how much they cost.

Following liposuction, sagging skin can also be removed for an optimal result. If there is plenty of extra skin and fat tissue, a more suitable treatment may be an abdominoplasty (or tummy tuck), which can be performed along with liposuction.

The purpose of the consultation is to discuss the best option for the patient and to book a time for the procedure.

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Liposuction is usually performed under local anaesthetic

Liposuction can typically be carried out under local anaesthetic, beginning with the numbing of areas to be treated. For more extensive procedures, general anaesthesia is chosen, and it is always an option if the patient wishes.

The actual procedure involves the insertion of a cannula under the skin to suck out fat tissue. The resulting surgical marks are minor: usually a number of scars of about 5 mm in length result, and their locations are planned to be as inconspicuous as possible. The scars left by any tuck – that is, by the removal of extra skin – are also planned during the consultation.

After the procedure, compression garments must be worn according to the doctor’s instructions, generally for a month or two. Postoperative treatment instructions are given individually, and the plastic surgeon will also explain how the scars should be treated to minimise them.

Final result when skin retains firmness

The outcome of liposuction takes a while to be seen. The treated area becomes smaller right away, but it takes longer for the area to become flat, for the skin to be restored, with the final result of the procedure not being evident until six to twelve months later.

Putting on weight after liposuction can significantly reduce the results of the treatment. Not all fatty tissue is removed from the treated area, which means that the fat cells remaining may swell as a result of putting on weight. Putting on a large amount of weight may also result in new fat cells being formed in the area.

The ability of skin to get back its flexibility is key to a successful outcome, and the best results are achieved in areas where the skin has not lost its elasticity. Our plastic surgeons are skin experts, and during the consultation they can determine how the patient’s wishes can be best achieved.

Liposuction is not an obesity treatment

It is important to note that liposuction is not a way to lose weight or treat obesity. Liposuction involves the removal of fatty tissue from individual places, reducing the amount of fat. Fat inside the abdominal cavity cannot be removed by this method, as it cannot be accessed by suction.

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Medical Doctor, plastic surgery specialist
LL, Plastiikkakirurgian erikoislääkäri

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