Rintojen suurennus implanteilla on yleisimpiä esteettisen kirurgian toimenpiteitä

Breast augmentation with implants

Breast augmentation with implants

Breast augmentation is most commonly performed with silicone implants, and is one of the commonest procedures in aesthetic surgery.

Breast augmentation with silicone implants

Breast augmentation most commonly makes use of silicone implants. Breast surgery planning always starts with a thorough consultation with a plastic surgeon. The aim is to find the best way to meet the person’s wishes.

During the consultation, the person’s expectations regarding the outcome of the surgery are carefully identified, and a clinical examination is carried out to establish their individual characteristics. These will form the basis for selecting the technique to be used for the surgery. Depending on the desired size of the augmentation, among other things, breast augmentation can also be performed by transferring the person’s own fat. Different techniques can also be combined.

The method and the reasons for choosing it are carefully discussed with the plastic surgeon, as is the preparation for the surgery, the course of the surgery itself and post-operative matters.

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Who is breast augmentation for?

The most common reason for breast augmentation is aesthetic preference. Very often, the person wants to correct changes in breast size and shape caused by pregnancy and breastfeeding or weight loss. Implants are also sometimes used to correct breast asymmetry.

The goal of the augmentation is to achieve breasts that match and complement a woman’s self-image, both in terms of breast size and shape. A natural result that suits the person’s body well is the best way to improve satisfaction with one’s own body and its proportions.

It is important to check that there are no malignancies in the breasts before surgery, and often a mammogram is taken before the operation.

Breast implant surgery is usually performed under general anaesthetic

Breast augmentation surgery with implants is usually performed under general anaesthetic. Depending on the person’s body and other individual factors, either round or anatomically shaped cohesive gel implants are chosen. They can be positioned either under or on top of the pectoral muscle. The surgical technique chosen will depend on the patient’s anatomy, and will be discussed during the consultation. In the case of a slim patient, the implant is often placed under the muscle if the breast tissue is loose. If the muscle and skin are firm, the implant can be inserted over the muscle.

Breast augmentation is a day surgery procedure – there is no need for an overnight stay.

Recovery from breast surgery is quite quick

Recovery from breast surgery is fairly quick, and the person is normally able to do light domestic chores the day after the operation. It is usually possible to return to physically light work, for example at a computer, within a few days, but in the case of more physically strenuous work, three to four weeks of recovery time is needed. Strenuous sports and lifting heavy weights and other activities that put a lot of strain on the chest muscles should be avoided for at least a month. It is important to bear in mind that sick leave after surgery for aesthetic reasons is unpaid.

The first follow-up visit to the nurse after the implant surgery is after about a week. If the recovery goes as expected and there are no complications, the plastic surgeon will carry out a follow-up examination about one to two months after the operation.

The exact course of the recovery and the restrictions and other instructions for the recovery period will be discussed in detail with the plastic surgeon before the surgery. The surgeon will also discuss the longer-term considerations of living with implants.

The final results of breast augmentation take time to see

Naturally, like other types of surgery, breast augmentation always leaves a mark on the body. In the case of augmentation with implants, the scars are about four or five centimetres long and are hidden in the fold of skin beneath the breast. Minimising scarring is a plastic surgeon’s area of special expertise, and the scars are always planned to be as inconspicuous as possible.

A key part of the aftercare is scar treatment, which minimises the scarring caused by the surgery. This involves regularly applying ointment to the scars, massage, and the use of silicone tape if necessary. This regime of scar treatment will help the scars to become very faint once they have matured, which takes about six months.

The eventual result of breast surgery can be seen after a few months, when the swelling has disappeared. The aesthetic result is usually good and to the person’s liking. The Skin Hospital’s plastic surgeons have long experience in breast augmentation, both with implants and other methods. For this reason, every patient can rest assured that the method best suited to their individual needs and goals will be chosen.

Do breast implants need to be changed?

Normally, it is possible to live a normal life with breast implants for a very long time – they do not prevent breastfeeding, for instance. Although implants do not last a lifetime, their lifespan varies greatly from person to person. Typically, they need to be replaced by repeat surgery after 10 to 20 years.

Breast augmentation with implants – pricing

An estimate of the cost of breast augmentation surgery will be made after the consultation with a plastic surgeon, once it is clearer what the surgery will involve. Once the surgical plan is confirmed, the patient will meet the surgical service coordinator. This is a nurse who goes through the person’s medical history with them, as well as any medications and other factors affecting anaesthesia.

Once the nurse has reviewed the person’s state of health with the anaesthetist, the necessary preoperative tests are ordered, such as laboratory tests or an electrocardiogram.

The cost estimate for the surgery includes the surgeon’s fee, anaesthesiologist’s fee, separately invoiced accessories (the implants themselves, support meshes, supportive textiles, etc.), post-operative check-ups and suture removal, hospital fee, and preoperative examinations (laboratory tests, imaging, pathological examinations). In certain situations, the person can also make a blood reservation with the Blood Service of the Finnish Red Cross (SPR), which will be charged according to the SPR price list. Any overnight stay or overnight follow-up will be charged separately.

VAT is charged if the treatment is not medical treatment – that is, if it is not corrective, restorative or preventive surgery. Breast augmentation surgery is usually considered an aesthetic procedure and as such is subject to VAT.

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