See a pulmonologist

See a pulmonologist

Pulmonologists complement the Ihosairaala‘s allergy treatment services. Our respiratory medicine and allergology experts specialise in the treatment of asthma and allergies, and the desensitisation treatment of allergies. We can also help patients to quit smoking.

When identifying the causes of allergies, our experts have a wide range of allergy tests at their disposal. We take samples in our own laboratory. Once the cause of the allergy has been found, you can talk to the doctor about suitable medication and perhaps consider desensitisation. The Ihosairaala currently only performs desensitisation with sublingual tablets, which are available for hay allergy, for example, and will become available for birch allergy. If you have an allergy that causes a rash, you should turn to other doctors available at the allergy clinic.

Our lung doctors also perform the commonest lung examinations, such as PEF measurements and spirometry. Imaging examinations are done on the premises of our partner or, with a referral, in a place chosen by the customer.

See a pulmonologist >

At your service

Docent, PhD, lung disease and allergology specialist

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