
Hannele Virtanen

PhD, specialist in dermatology and allergology
"The missing piece of the treatment 'jigsaw' can be found by looking, listening and discussing"

Hannele Virtanen is a skin disease specialist whose expertise lies in various rashes and allergic skin symptoms. Her main job involves running Helsinki University Hospital’s Allergy Research Center. Hannele’s interest in people and her own experiences as a skin disease patient led her to begin medical studies and specialise in skin diseases. Her greatest motivation lies in helping people with skin problems.

“There seems to be a need for more and more dermotologists, because skin conditions are very common and have a major effect on people’s lives, although they are rarely life-threatening. The best aspect of treating skin diseases is that help is usually available, despite the wide spectrum of diagnoses. Treatment continues in the patient’s home and it is therefore vital that patients understand their condition and are committed to its treatment.”

Hannele studies each case thoroughly, not only checking the patient’s skin but also discussing previous treatment, the symptoms, results, and options for future treatment. These give her a full picture and the missing piece that will ease the symptoms and improve the patient’s condition.


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Special expertise

  • atopic dermatitis
  • urticaria
  • hand rashes
  • allergies with skin symptoms




  • 20 min 124 €*

The doctor’s appointment fee also includes all the textual documentation in the patient record system, as well as the time it takes to study possible pre-information. On top of the specialist appointment fee we charge an out patient fee of 34,00 €, that covers the cost for e-prescriptions. We also charge a Kanta fee of 3,50 €. Possible examinations and proceedings during the appointment are charged separately. The Kela-compensation is not observed in the list prices. You can study and compare various cost estimates on our price list.


  • Doctor of Medical Science
  • Specialist in dermatology and allergology