
Liisa-Lotta Kiiski

ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
"The work of a skin doctor sometimes requires detective work"

Liisa-Lotta Kiiski is a specialist in skin diseases and allergology, who treats all types of skin diseases from acne and atopic dermatitis to psoriasis and skin alterations. Liisa-Lotta is a lively and well-liked colleague who believes that it is important to communicate clearly and create trust between the patient and doctor when treating patients. Listening to patients and giving them clear care instructions are the keys to good results.

“The work of a dermatologist sometimes resembles that of a detective, and I enjoy cracking difficult diagnoses and finding the right treatments. Many skin diseases are chronic and the ideal situation is when patients are motivated to follow the instructions they have been given and the results begin to show.”

According to Liisa-Lotta, the diagnosis always begins with listening to the patient. During consultation, she always keeps the patient up to date, explaining what everything means and how the disease will be treated. Understanding the disease is an important part of treatment and helps to motivate the patient to follow through with their treatment. After receiving careful instructions from Liisa-Lotta, it is easy for patients to go home, knowing how to manage their condition and where to get more help if necessary.


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Special expertise

  • common skin diseases
  • minor procedures
  • mole examinations and skin cancers




  • 20 min 130 €*
  • 30 min 165 €*

The doctor’s appointment fee also includes all the textual documentation in the patient record system, as well as the time it takes to study possible pre-information. On top of the specialist appointment fee we charge an out patient fee of 34,00 €, that covers the cost for e-prescriptions. We also charge a Kanta fee of 3,50 €. Possible examinations and proceedings during the appointment are charged separately. The Kela-compensation is not observed in the list prices. You can study and compare various cost estimates on our price list.


  • Licentiate of Medicine
  • Specialist in dermatology and allergology
  • Small procedures are even possible during the first consultation. If you need more than one mole removed or another procedure, please make an appointment by calling 010 419 2000