
Pauliina Nuutinen

ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
"A dermatologist's work involves holistic problem-solving"

Pauliina Nuutinen is a specialist in skin diseases and allergology, treating general skin conditions. Pauliina became interested in skin diseases due to their diversity. Skin diseases and the occurrence of other skin conditions involve a complex process which must be viewed from all angles to be understood properly.

“Coming into contact with the patient is one of the best and key aspects of being a dermatologist. I begin each examination by listening to and discussing issues with the patient; what the patient says can affect both the diagnosis and choice of treatment. Understanding the illness and providing thorough instructions for further treatment are also important in terms of motivating the patient.”


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Special expertise




  • 20 min 122 €*

The doctor’s appointment fee also includes all the textual documentation in the patient record system, as well as the time it takes to study possible pre-information. On top of the specialist appointment fee we charge an out patient fee of 34,00 €, that covers the cost for e-prescriptions. We also charge a Kanta fee of 3,50 €. Possible examinations and proceedings during the appointment are charged separately. The Kela-compensation is not observed in the list prices. You can study and compare various cost estimates on our price list.


  • Licentiate of Medicine
  • Specialist in dermatology and allergology
  • No procedures or mole examinations