Fraxel laser treatment

Fraxel laser treatment

A fraxel laser is an efficient method for treating cosmetic problems. It is used to smooth scars, lines and wrinkles.

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Fraxel laser for smoothing scars and the treatment of alterations due to age

In addition to cutting, the Ihosairaala laser has the fraxel laser feature, which is ideal for scar smoothing and cosmetic treatment. A fraxel laser treats the skin with pinpoint accuracy, which means that the recovery period is shorter than with older technologies.

Scars are treated by smoothening the scarred area. The result depends a great deal on the starting point; this should be discussed in advance with the dermatologist performing the treatment. It is also worth noting that, because a fraxel laser treats around 15% of the affected skin area at a time, several visits may be needed to achieve the optimal result. Read more about smoothing scars >

Fraxel lasers are also suitable for treating skin alterations due to ageing, such as wrinkles and lines. By heating the treated tissue, the laser causes it to coagulate, evening out shallow wrinkles. In addition, the laser stimulates collagen synthesis, the skin’s own collagen production, making the skin more elastic.

A fraxel laser can be used to treat cosmetic problems, as follows:

  • Acne scars
  • Scars caused by cuts and accidents
  • Stretch marks caused by pregnancy
  • Rhinophyma
  • Lines and wrinkles
  • Laser exfoliation
  • Sagging of the skin
  • Enlarged pores

How does laser treatment work?

Laser treatments typically begin with a consultation appointment (0€) with an esthetic nurse. Laser treatment of extensive areas of acne-related and other scarring is preceded by an assessment of the need for and likely results of the treatment. A time can be booked for the actual procedure after a personal assessment by the specialized nurse.

Laser procedures at the Ihosairaala are done with local anaesthetic. In many cases, patients can return to work straight afterwards.  Topical anaesthetic is applied an hour before the procedure to allow the numbing agent to take effect. In most cases, the skin reddens after laser treatment and a scab may form within a week after larger procedures. The scab will fall off and the skin will begin recovering during the following week.

Following any laser procedures, you should use a powerful sunscreen (SPF 50+) for two months to avoid pigment changes.

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Treatment by doctor Treatment of illness (VAT 0%) As aesthetic treatment (VAT 25.5%)
Face 1 231,39 € 1 535,94 €
Around the mouth or eyes 851,13 € 1 058,72 €
Around the mouth, and on the chin - 1 221,54 €
Cheeks 957.70 € 1 221,54 €
Cheeks and temples 1 090.65 € 1 391,72 €
Cheeks, temples and jaw 1 122.83 € 1 432,93 €
Cheeks, temples and forehead 1 185.05 € 1 512,56 €
Lower eyelids 728,57 € 904,89 €
Upper eyelid xhanthelasmas 786,61 € -
Upper- and lower eyelid small xhanthelasmas 914,30 € -
Upper- and lower eyelid larger xhanthelasmas 1 000,13 € -
Treatment by nurse Treatment of illness (VAT 0%) As aesthetic treatment (VAT 25.5%)
Face - 1 015,93 €
Around the mouth or eyes - 641,46  €
Around the mouth, and on the chin  - 742,55 €
Cheeks - 862,65 €
Cheeks and temples - 982,75 €
Lower eyelids - 313,60 €
Serial treatment Treatment of illness (VAT 0%) As aesthetic treatment (VAT 25.5%)
Face x3 - 2 649,85€
Around the mouth or eyes x3 - 1 658,62 €
Around the mouth and on the chin x3  - 1 926,23 €
Cheeks x3 - 2 244,12 €
Cheeks and temples x3 - 2 562,05 €
Lower eyelids x3 - 790,77 €
Face x5 - 4 157,35 €
Around the mouth or eyes x5 - 2 597,07 €
Around the mouth, and on the chin x5  - 3 018,30 €
Cheeks x5 - 3 518,69 €
Cheeks and temples x5 - 4 019,14 €
Lower eyelids x5 - 1 231,01 €





At your service

PhD, specialist in dermatology
ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
PhD, specialist in dermatology
Docent, PhD, specialist in dermatology
ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology

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