The most efficient treatment for acne is isotretinoin medication, which can be used to control even severe acne. Isotretinoin treatment requires laboratory tests for monitoring the patient’s condition during treatment.
These include the monitoring of liver and lipid values, and a pregnancy test in the case of women. The tests are taken at the start of treatment, and after 1 and 3 months.
The Ihosairaala has a ready-made package of inexpensive lab test packages for isotretinoin patients. For your convenience, you can pay for all the tests at the beginning of treatment. You can book a time for the tests at the Ihosairaala or through these pages.
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Reliable contraception must be ensured
Isotretinoin medication affects foetal development, so it is important to take care of contraception during treatment. One of the tests is therefore a pregnancy test. In some cases, acne patients may benefit from taking contraceptive pills, because hormones play a role in acne.
Our experts will find a method that suits you. They not only provide information, but can also insert an intrauterine device or birth control implant.