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Corrective breast surgery

Corrective breast surgery

There can be a wide range of aesthetic or functional impairments in the breast area that can be corrected with surgery.

Corrective breast surgery is a common plastic surgical procedure for correcting a wide range of breast problems according to the person’s individual needs. The most common types of corrective breast surgery are:

  • tubular breast correction surgery
  • asymmetry correction
  • correction of the nipple or areola

Corrective breast surgery is planned on an individual basis, with the techniques being chosen according to the person’s specific needs. Whatever the condition, it is always possible to book a consultation with one of the Skin Hospital’s experienced plastic surgeons to discuss the situation and explore treatment options.

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Tubular breast correction surgery

The shape and size of breasts naturally vary a great deal, but in the case of tubular, or tuberous, breasts the appearance can differ significantly from normally developed breasts. This is a breast development disorder that results in the breasts having a misshapen, tube-like appearance as opposed to being round.

Breast tubularity occurs in varying degrees. If the abnormality is severe, the problem also be treated as a medical condition that is reimbursable by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela). Breast tubularity can sometimes occur in only one breast, and is often diagnosed when the person consults a doctor because of breast asymmetry.

There are many techniques for correcting tubular breast disorder, and the procedure is always individually planned. In many cases, corrective breast surgery for tubular breast disorder involves fat grafting or, where appropriate, implants to compensate for the missing breast tissue. The nipple and areola can also be corrected during the breast reshaping.

Correction of breast asymmetry

Breast asymmetry is a common reason to consult a plastic surgeon. Disparities can occur in the shape of the breasts as well as the size, and the person’s wishes determine the course of the procedure and the techniques used. The breasts and nipples can be reshaped in different ways depending on the individual case. The treatment always starts with a consultation with a plastic surgeon, where the person’s wishes and the desired result are discussed from start to finish.

Uneven breast size can be corrected by either reducing the size of the larger breast or increasing the size of the smaller one. The procedure can involve mastopexy (i.e. a breast lift), fat grafting, breast reduction or the insertion of implants. All the techniques can be used either for only one breast or for both.

Breast asymmetry correction is always planned to suit the specific wishes and situation of the individual person, with the aim of achieving an aesthetically and functionally pleasing and natural result.

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Nipple and areola corrections

Nipple and areola corrections are common aesthetic procedures that can be performed either for cosmetic reasons or if the condition is causing functional problems. The most common procedure is the correction of an inverted nipple, which is usually performed for hygienic reasons.

Another common procedure is the correction or reduction of an overly large areola by various surgical methods. It is also possible to reshape a nipple that has ruptured, for example due to piercing. Nipple correction is most often done for aesthetic reasons, and the procedure is planned according to the person’s wishes.

Corrective breast and nipple surgery are individually planned

Breast and nipple procedures are very common, and plastic surgery can be used to correct a wide range of aesthetic or functional impairments. What matters is the person’s experience and wishes – based on these, our experts assess the best methods to achieve the optimal result.

Whether it’s a matter of evening out breast asymmetry or correcting an inverted nipple, the treatment always begins with a consultation with a plastic surgeon. There the procedure is planned from start to finish with the person. Scars, any aftercare that may be needed and recovery time are also discussed before booking the procedure.

The recovery time varies depending on the extent of the operation. The person can usually be discharged the same day, but aftercare and the length of sick leave are always determined case by case. A minor nipple correction under local anaesthetic does not require many days of recovery, but a larger breast asymmetry correction may require a week or more of rest, depending on the technique used. Standard anti-inflammatory drugs are sufficient for pain management, and any stitch removal, scar treatment and the need for supportive textiles will always be considered case by case.

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Medical Doctor, plastic surgery specialist
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Medical Doctor, plastic surgery specialist

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