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Gynaecomastia surgery

Gynaecomastia surgery

Gynaecomastia, or male breast growth, is often linked to natural hormonal fluctuations over the life cycle. It can be treated either with medicines or surgery.

Up to a third of male adolescents experience mild gynaecomastia. Many people with the condition find it embarrassing; indeed, in addition to the potential physical harm of gynaecomastia, the psychological harm is a common reason to seek treatment. Male breast growth can affect self-esteem, as the experience of the body becomes negative and can cause feelings of shame.

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The cause of gynaecomastia is not always clear

Breast growth can also be caused by other hormonal fluctuations or by a disorder, other condition or medication affecting the endocrine system. In fact, anything that reduces testosterone production and affects oestrogen production can be the cause of male breast growth. The reason cannot always be found, however.

The most common causes of gynaecomastia include:

  • congenital hormone production disorders
  • diseases affecting testicular function as well as removal of the testicles, for example as part of cancer treatment
  • reduced testosterone production due to ageing
  • cirrhosis of the liver and chronic renal failure
  • heavy alcohol consumption
  • severe obesity
  • many drugs
  • anabolic steroids and other hormone preparations

Treatment for male breast growth starts with identifying the cause – if a clear cause can be found, treatment can either take the form of hormone-balancing medication or surgery. Sometimes the cause is not found, and in such cases the problem can often be treated surgically.

Surgical treatment for gynaecomastia is planned on an individual basis

Surgical treatment of male breast growth starts with an assessment during a consultation with a plastic surgeon. The Skin Hospital’s experienced specialists will discuss the treatment options with the person, the most suitable methods and the desired outcome, including aftercare and recovery times.

Gynaecomastia surgery usually involves liposuction of the breast area as well as surgical removal of glandular tissue if necessary. In some cases, skin removal procedures may also be needed if there is excess skin hanging over the breast area. The surgical scars are practically invisible after full recovery, as they are typically located in the areola, the darker skin around the nipples.

Some delay in the outcome of male breast surgery

Surgical treatment of gynaecomastia is carried out as a day surgery procedure under local anaesthetic. General anaesthetic is also possible if the so patient wishes. Recovery is relatively quick, and the person can usually return to physically light work after just a few days. Any pain can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs.

After the procedure, a support bandage is usually worn around the chest area for about a month. After this the scars will continue to fade, but the final result will begin to emerge before this. If fat is removed from the breast area, it takes several months for the skin to retract. For this reason, the final result of the procedure can only be seen after the skin has retracted and the area has settled. Aftercare also includes scar treatment to ensure best results.

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