


An abdominoplasty is a procedure in which extra skin is removed in the abdominal area following significant weight loss or pregnancy.

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An abdominoplasty flattens the stomach and shapes the waistline

An abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, is a procedure to remove sagging skin and fatty tissue in the abdominal area. The skin can be removed surgically to restore the natural shape of the waistline. An abdominal separation or a umbilical hernia can also be remedied at the same time. Common reasons for the need for an abdominoplasty are pregnancy or significant weight loss, resulting in saggy skin in the abdominal area and waist.

The patient’s stomach may be bulging, with the extra skin hanging over the lower abdomen, causing discomfort or aesthetic concerns.

If a patient finds sagging abdominal skin annoying and aesthetically unpleasing, extra skin can be removed and the abdominal area reshaped.

An abdominal separation and a umbilical hernia can be corrected surgically

Heavy weight gain or pregnancy causes the abdominal wall to stretch a lot, which may lead to an abdominal separation. A thinner muscular fascia often results in a umbilical hernia. The abdominoplasty technique can be used to treat both in a single procedure.

In the treatment of an abdominal separation, the straight abdominal muscles are put back surgically in their proper positions, and the muscular fascia is tightened laterally if necessary. The lateral tightening is important in order to ensure an aesthetic and functional result.

An umbilical hernia often occurs as a separation, and appears near the navel. The reason for the hernia is often fatty tissue that has been pushed into the navel. A umbilical hernia can be remedied during an abdominoplasty procedure. If an umbilical hernia has been caused by an abdominal separation, the separation must also be corrected. When treating umbilical hernia, the hernia is kept in place with a support mesh and the navel is reshaped if necessary.

Abdominoplasties are based on individual need

The treatment begins with a consultation with a plastic surgeon. This involves going through the patient’s situation and discussing what can be realistically achieved, and seeing whether a procedure can be recommended to the patient in the first place.

The resulting scars will also be demonstrated to the patient during the consultation, and the recovery process and price of the procedure will also be discussed. Planning always takes account of any restrictions owing to the patient’s lifestyle and life situation, and a time will be booked for the procedure once it has been agreed what will be done.

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An abdominoplasty is performed under general anaesthetic

An abdominoplasty usually takes about two hours, and is always carried out under general anaesthetic. The duration may vary considerably, depending on the amount of skin and fatty tissue that needs to be removed and any need for treating an abdominal separation and shaping of the navel. Patients normally have to stay under observation overnight, but in some cases can go home to recover on the same day.

Compression garments must be worn according to the doctor’s instructions, usually for between three and six weeks. Walking is possible right away, but any more strenuous exercise should be avoided for about six weeks, depending somewhat on the type of exercise. There will be local bruising and swelling, but these usually subside in a couple of weeks. Patients receive wound care instructions, and the stitches are taken out usually about a week after surgery.

The final result can be seen a few months after surgery. The scars are permanent, but will become less conspicuous over time.

An abdominoplasty aims for a natural outcome

The aesthetic result of an abdominoplasty is generally good. The scars are planned to be as inconspicuous as possible and generally can be hidden inside the underwear. If there is plenty of extra skin, the scars can be continued on the back, as well hidden as possible. Hiding the scars is a key part of the special expertise of plastic surgeons.

An integral part of the aftercare consists of treating the scars. This is planned and carried out individually. The scars will be red at first, but will become less visible with each passing month. The aim is to obtain a natural result, with a smooth and aesthetical abdominal wall with no functional discomfort.

No treatment for obesity

An abdominoplasty is sometimes confused with obesity operations, but it is a different procedure – it is a matter of removing extra skin following weight loss. Some patients arrive at a consultation saying they want to have liposuction to get rid of their saggy stomach, when in fact they simply have too much abdominal skin. This is where an abdominoplasty may be called for, and liposuction can also be performed during the same procedure if necessary.

Other similar but more rarely performed operations include a panniculectomy – the removal of significant excess skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue in the lower abdomen – and a mini-abdominoplasty, or mini tummy tuck, chosen for specific situations by the plastic surgeon. Potential treatment options are always discussed during the consultation, taking into account the patient’s individual situation.

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