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Treatment of rashes

Treatment of rashes

Rashes are a common health problem in western countries. Skin rashes manifest in various ways, and there are a great many reasons for them. Consequently, there are many kinds of treatment options available, and new ones are continually being developed.

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Treatment of rashes

You can promote the skin’s normal wellbeing at home in several ways, for instance by maintaining good hygiene, gentle skincare, avoiding excessive use of soap or strong cleansers, and using basic moisturisers as needed. Although self-care plays a crucial role in the treatment of chronic skin conditions in particular, achieving a good treatment balance typically requires the assistance of a doctor.

Doctors have several effective methods to treat various skin rashes, and the treatment depends on the type and severity of the rash. Treatment options include:

  • steroid creams to reduce inflammation
  • antihistamines to relieve itching and allergy symptoms
  • antibiotics or antiviral medicines if the rash is due to an infection
  • light therapy (phototherapy), if applicable
  • immunosuppressive drugs in the case of severe autoimmune rashes

The treatment of skin rashes is a core expertise of dermatologists and a fundamental aspect of the services provided by the Skin Hospital. If the rash causes concern or disrupts normal life, it is advisable to schedule an appointment and seek help from a dermatologist at the Skin Hospital.

See a dermatologist >


At your service

PhD, specialist in dermatology and allergology
ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
Docent, PhD, specialist in dermatology and sexually transmitted diseases
Docent, PhD, specialist in dermatology
PhD, specialist in dermatology and allergology
ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
Docent, PhD, specialist in dermatology and allergology
ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
PhD, specialist in dermatology and pathology
ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
PhD, specialist in dermatology and allergology
ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
PhD, specialist in dermatology
PhD, specialist in dermatology and allergology
PhD, specialist in dermatology and allergology
Docent, PhD, specialist in dermatology
ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
PhD, specialist in dermatology
PhD, specialist in dermatology and allergology
PhD, specialist in dermatology and allergology
ML, specialist in dermatology
PhD, specialist in dermatology and allergology
PhD, specialist in dermatology
ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
Docent, PhD, specialist in dermatology
Docent, PhD, specialist in dermatology
ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
PhD, specialist in dermatology and allergology
ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
PhD, specialist in dermatology
ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
ML, specialist in dermatology and allergology
PhD, specialist in dermatology and allergology

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